
土方歳三資料館は、全国より歳三の生家をお訪ねくださる皆様の「遺品公開を」とのご要望にお応えして、平成六年に開設いたしました。 旧家屋は平成二年に建て替えられ、当家では私が歳三の暮らした生家で育った最後の世代となってしまいました。 そこで、生家に伝わった遺品・史料が今後末永く後世へと受け継がれ、また歴史上の人物としてだけではなく、一個人としての土方歳三の人となりが語り継がれていくことを願って運営しております。 庭先には、歳三が武道を志したときに手植えした矢竹があり、館の入口には少年時代相撲の稽古をした旧家屋の大黒柱が梁にしてございます。 個人運営のため、開館日時やスペースなど様々な限界がございますが、ご来館くださいました皆様が、本物の遺品や史料と向き合いながら、当家に伝わる土方歳三の息吹を感じとっていただけるのであれば望外の幸せと存じます。

土方歳三資料館  館長  土方 愛



The Hijikata Toshizo Museum was first established in 1994, in response to popular request from nationwide visitors for the public display of his artifacts. The original house was renovated in 1992, and I have, lamentably, become the last generation to have been raised within this household, Toshizo’s birthplace. Members of this museum take care in preserving the artifacts remaining in Toshizo’s birthplace with the hope that his story will be passed down for generations to come, as well as so that people will come to know him not only in historical terms, but also on a more dynamic, personal level. In the front lawn, visitors may see the bamboo trees that Toshizo planted when he was practicing Bushido. At the entrance to the museum, there is the mainstay of original house that, as an adolescent, Toshizo used to practice Sumo. Due to the fact that this museum is privately run and managed by Toshizo’s descendants, we do have limitations of open hours and space. Regardless of this fact, however, we hope to provide the opportunity for visitors to truly engage with Toshizo’s history and to experience his spirit, which lives on in this house.

Hijikata Toshizo Museum Director Megumi Hijikata